Classes Every Medical Assisting School Should Teach


Even though Medical Assist programs and classes vary across the country (and depend on state accreditation standards), there are a number of common subjects most medical assisting students will learn about.

Since medical assistants performed a variety of clinical and administrative duties within a medical office, adequate training in a wide range of subjects was needed to fulfill the often required tasks of medical assistants Medical Condition.

The following list of some of the classes you should take in your medical assisting program:

Patient care
Disease Transmission / Bacteriology
Medical insurance
Health sciences
Laboratory procedures
Endocrinology and reproduction
Medical Law and Ethics
Externship / Internship
This might seem overwhelming at first, but remember that these classes are not taught all at once. Depending on the medical assisting program you join, you will take one to three classes at a time.
And some of these classes might be blended together. For example, the Medical Insurance class might include a study of bookkeeping; The Patient Care course might include a study of laboratory procedures. 6 to 8 classes to graduate, but make sure these subjects are included in your study.

This broad class list might also look simply because of the strange class names. Cardiopulmonary, Electrocardiography, and Endocrinology sound more like classes that medical doctors would take, but rest assured that the words sound worse than the class really is.

Let ‘s breakdown each medical assist class so you know exactly what’ s getting discussed.

Patient Care
Most medical assisting programs will have a class about the proper way to take care of patients and how to best explain common procedures. Patient care classes are important because they will teach you skills in reviewing patient charts, records management, basic front office skills, working with patients, and often common medical terminology is discussed.

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